Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Kepada Alam

kepada matahari
kepada embun
kepada angin
kepada langit
kepada air

kepada Mu

jadikan aku sebagai aku

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

tak ada judul

saya tak tahu harus menulis apa hari ini, tapi saya harus tetap belajar menulis
teruslah menulis apapun yang ada dalam benak saya
merah hitam ungu
terus menulis terus menulis....
jangan berhenti
apapun yang ada dalam benak saya tulislah
jingga kuning
yang ada dalam otak saya hanya warna-warna

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Disaat Daku Tua

Disaat daku tua, bukan lagi diriku yang dulu
Maklumilah diriku,bersabarlah dalam menghadapiku

Disaat daku menumpahkan kuah sayuran di bajuku
Disaat daku tidak lagi mengingat cara mengikatkan tali sepatu
Ingatlah saat-saat bagaimana daku mengajarimu,
membimbingmu untuk melakukannya

Disaat daku dengan pikunnya mengulang terus menerus ucapan yang membosankanmu
Bersabarlah mendengarkanku, jangan memotong ucapanku.
Di masa kecilmu, daku harus mengulang dan mengulang terus
sebuah cerita yang telah saya ceritakan ribuan kali
hingga dirimu terbuai dalam mimpi

Disaat daku membutuhkanmu untuk memandikanku,
Janganlah menyalahkanku, Ingatkah di masa kecilmu,
bagaimana daku dengan berbagai cara membujukmu untuk mandi?

Disaat daku kebingungan menghadapi hal-hal baru dan teknologi modern
Janganlah menertawaiku
Renungkanlah bagaimana daku dengan sabarnya menjawab
setiap 'mengapa' yang engkau ajukan saat itu

Disaat kedua kakiku terlalu lemah untuk berjalan,
Ulurkanlah tanganlu yang muda dan kuat untuk memapahku
Bagaikan di masa kecilmu daku menuntunmu melangkahkan kaki
untuk belajar berjalan

Disaat daku melupakan topik pembicaraan kita,
Berilah sedikit waktu padaku untuk mengingatnya
Sebenarnya topik pembicaraan bukanlah hal yang penting bagiku
Asalkan engkau berada di sisiku untuk mendengarkanku
Daku telah bahagia

Disaat engkau melihat diriku menua,
Janganlah bersedih
Maklumilah diriku,dukunglah daku
bagaikan daku terhadapmu
disaat engkau mulai belajar tentang kehidupan

Dulu daku menuntunmu menapaki jalan kehidupan ini
kini temanilah daku hingga akhir jalan hidupku
Berilah daku cinta kasih dan kesabaran
Daku akan menerimanya dengan senyuman penuh syukur
Di dalam senyumanku ini, tertanam kasihku yang tak terhingga padamu.

ku temukan untaian kata indah ini dalam sebuah kardus sepatu
Membacanya membuatku tersadar...betapa banyak dosa-dosaku pada ayah dan ibu

Allohumagfirli wali walidayya warhamhuma kama rabbayani shogiro..Amin

Friday, 7 May 2010


Algebra is a sort of language, and has its own vocabulary. Learning algebra is a little like learning another language. In fact, algebra is a simple language, used to create mathematical models of real-world situations and to handle problems that we can't solve using just arithmetic. Rather than using words, algebra uses symbols to make statements about things. In algebra, we often use letters to represent numbers. Since algebra uses the same symbols as arithmetic for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, you're already familiar with the basic vocabulary. In this lesson, you'll learn some important new vocabulary words, and you'll see how to translate from plain English to the "language" of algebra. The first step in learning to "speak algebra" is learning the definitions of the most commonly used words.

Algebraic Expressions
algebraic expression is one or more algebraic terms in a phrase. It can include variables, constants, and operating symbols, such as plus and minus signs. It's only a phrase, not the whole sentence, so it doesn't include an equal sign.

Algebraic expression:

3x2 + 2y + 7xy + 5

In an algebraic expression, terms are the elements separated by the plus or minus signs. This example has four terms, 3x2, 2y,7xy, and 5. Terms may consist of variables and coefficients, or constants.

In algebraic expressions, letters represent variables. These letters are actually numbers in disguise. In this expression, the variables are x and y. We call these letters "
variables" because the numbers they represent can vary—that is, we can substitute one or more numbers for the letters in the expression.

Coefficients are the number part of the terms with variables. In
3x2 + 2y + 7xy + 5, the coefficient of the first term is 3. The coefficient of the second term is 2, and the coefficient of the third term is 7.

If a term consists of only variables, its coefficient is 1.

Constants are the terms in the algebraic expression that contain only numbers. That is, they're the terms without variables. We call them constants because their value never changes, since there are no variables in the term that can change its value. In the expression
7x2 + 3xy + 8 the constant term is "8."

Real Numbers
In algebra, we work with the set of real numbers, which we can model using a number line.

Real numbers describe real-world quantities such as amounts, distances, age, temperature, and so on. A real number can be an integer, a fraction, or a decimal. They can also be either rational or irrational. Numbers that are not "real" are called imaginary. Imaginary numbers are used by mathematicians to describe numbers that cannot be found on the number line. They are a more complex subject than we will work with here.

Rational Numbers
We call the set of real integers and fractions "rational numbers."
Rational comes from the word "ratio" because a rational number can always be written as the ratio, or quotient, of two integers.

Examples of rational numbers
The fraction ½ is the ratio of 1 to 2.

Since three can be expressed as three over one, or the ratio of 3 to one, it is also a rational number.

The number "0.57" is also a rational number, as it can be written as a fraction.

Irrational Numbers
Some real numbers can't be expressed as a quotient of two integers. We call these numbers "irrational numbers". The decimal form of an irrational number is a non-repeating and non-terminating decimal number. For example, you are probably familiar with the number called "pi". This irrational number is so important that we give it a name and a special symbol!

Pi cannot be written as a quotient of two integers, and its decimal form goes on forever and never repeats.

Translating Words into Algebra Language
Here are some statements in English. Just below each statement is its translation in algebra.

the sum of three times a number and eight
3x + 8

The words "the sum of" tell us we need a plus sign because we're going to add three times a number to eight. The words "three times" tell us the first term is a number multiplied by three.

In this expression, we don't need a multiplication sign or parenthesis. Phrases like "a number" or "the number" tell us our expression has an unknown quantity, called a variable. In algebra, we use letters to represent variables.

the product of a number and the same number less 3
x(x – 3)

The words "the product of" tell us we're going to multiply a number times the number less 3. In this case, we'll use parentheses to represent the multiplication. The words "less 3" tell us to subtract three from the unknown number.

a number divided by the same number less five

The words "divided by" tell us we're going to divide a number by the difference of the number and 5. In this case, we'll use a fraction to represent the division. The words "less 5" tell us we need a minus sign because we're going to subtract five.

When an expression contains more than one operation, you can get different answers depending on the order in which you solve the expression. Mathematicians have agreed on a certain order for evaluating expressions, so we all arrive at the same answers. We often use grouping symbols, like parentheses, to help us organize complicated expressions into simpler ones. Here's the order we use:

  1. First, do all operations that lie inside parentheses.
  2. Next, do any work with exponents or roots.
  3. Working from left to right, do all multiplication and division.
  4. Finally, working from left to right, do all addition and subtraction.

In Example 1, without any parentheses, the problem is solved by working from left to right and performing all the addition and subtraction. When parentheses are used, you first perform the operations inside the parentheses, and you'll get a different answer!

Example 1 - Parenthesis

Without Parenthesis
With Parenthesis

8 - 7 + 3 =
1 + 3 =

8 - (7 + 3) =
8 - 10 =

Example 2

Order of Operations

22 x 20/4 - 7 x 3 + 55 =

Calculate the exponent

4 x 20/4 - 7 x 3 + 55 =
4 x 5 - 21 + 55 =
80/4 - 21 + 55 =
(4 x 5 and 80/4 both = 20)
Working from left to right, do all multiplications and divisions. When there are several of these operations in the same term, the order within the term doesn't matter
20 - 21 + 55 =
Add and subtract from left to right
The correct answer!

source :

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Lima Hari yang Membosankan

Kamis, 29 April 2010
Seperti biasa aku masuk kantor, meskipun badan sudah terasa g enak. Sakit di lambung sepertinya semakin menjadi. G kuat nahan sakit akupun minta izin pulang lebih awal.Aku langsung ke klinik untuk diperiksa, well...dokter memberikan obat sementara untuk 2 hari dan merujukku ke rumah sakit secepatnya. Semalamam sakit dalam perut semakin menjadi, susah payah aku nahan sakit.Sakitnya mulai tak seperti biasa menjalar ke bagian perut kanan bawah, seperti prediksi dokter, ini radang usus.
Sabtu, 1 Mei 2010
Aku langsung masuk ke poli dalam, Dokter spesialis dalam langsung memvonisku untuk segera dilakukan operasi sebelum usus buntunya pecah.16 jam lebih aku puasa sebelum operasi dimulai. Tengah malam dokter bedah datang, memberi tahu operasi ditunda besok pagi, meskipun akut,aku sudah dilindungi beberapa kali suntikan antibiotik yang Subhanallah....sangat-sangat-sangat menyakitkan ketika jarum itu menerobos masuk selang infusan aku.
Minggu,2 Mei 2010
Tepat pukul 8 a.m aku masuk ruang operasi. aku hanya berdoa, Tuhan,selamatkan aku, bangunkan aku kembali saat semuanya selesai. Memasuki ruang operasi, hati ini dag dig dug g karuan. Aku dipindahkan ke meja operasi,aku melihat bagaimana tim dokter menyiapkan oksigen untukku,aku melihat lampu-lampu di atas kepala mulai menyala...dan aku tak ingat apa-apa lagi. Selama aku tak sadar mungkin dokter-dokter itu mengotak-atik isi tubuhku. Tepat pukul 11 a.m aku keluar ruang operasi dan masuk ke ruang pemulihan.Aku tersadar saat dokter memanggil-manggil namaku...Nida...Nida...bangun Nida...setengah sadar aku terbangun dan selang oksigen masih nenmpel di hidung..alamaaaaaaaakkk...sudah selesai rupanya.Alhamdulillah operasi berjalan lancar. Kata dokter, usus aku sudah parah terinfeksi ampe bernanah, jadi jahitan di perut pun g kaya jahitan biasa yang rapi.
Aku pun dimasukkan kembali ke ruang perawatan, aku baru tersadar kalau di perutku masih ada selang untuk mengeluarkan darah sisa operasi. Mual sekali rasanya saat melihat selang darah itu menempel di perut...hueeeeeeekkkkk

Hari-hari pasca operasi adalah hari-hari yang sangat sangat membosankan.Selang infusan dan selang darah membuatku g bisa bebas bergerak.
Kedatangan teman-temanku membuat sedikit terhibur.Btw...thanks ya teman-teman dah jenguk aku.
Hal yang paling membuatku senang tentunya ada orang tersayang datang. Meskipun jauh, dia menyempatkan diri untuk datang menjagaku selama 2 malam. Dan yang paling membuatku senang sekaligus berdosa, kehadiran Mama setiap hari. Itu bener2 g bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Kini aku tahu,aku sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget sama Mama.
Menunggu hari H untuk pulang itulah pekerjaan ku sehari-hari. Setiap dokter datang,aku selalu bertanya'Dok,kapan pulaaaang?' dokter cuma senyum.hualaaaaaaaaahhhhh..
Rabu 5 Mei 2010, aku bisa pulang ke rumah. tapi belum sepenuhnya sembuh, karena masih harus tetap kontrol.
Pengalaman ini menjadi pelajaran bagiku...bahwa sehat itu sangat indah.